The Arthur Brisbane Monument

Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, architects of 500 Fifth Avenue and the Empire State Building, the Arthur Brisbane Monument features a profile of the Hearst Organization editor by artist Richmond Barthe, a well-known sculptor of the period. Dedicated in 1939, three years after Brisbane’s death, it is located (rather puzzlingly) a block down the… Continue reading
521 Fifth Avenue, The Lefcourt National Building

One of many buildings constructed by the flamboyant developer A.E. Lefcourt, the Lefcourt National Building at 521 Fifth Avenue is a massive, dignified and somewhat stern example of Stripped Classicism applied to the setback style more commonly associated with Art Deco. Architects Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, of Empire State Building fame, also designed the nearby… Continue reading
500 Fifth Avenue

A vertiginous stack of telescoping setbacks, 500 Fifth Avenue was designed in 1929 by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, better known for the Empire State Building at 34th Street and Fifth. As a work of purely abstract massing, 500 Fifth Avenue may be the superior design, although it is certainly helped by the removal of a… Continue reading
350 Fifth Avenue, The Empire State Building

The last building on the avenue with a NoMad address, 350 Fifth Avenue, better known as the Empire State Building, is the largest and arguably the greatest of New York’s classic Art Deco skyscrapers. A masterpiece of massing by architects Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, the design is admirably austere, rising in sleek setbacks to a (never-used)… Continue reading