Faces on Fifth: Colleen Flanigan at IMC Lab + Gallery
In this installment of Faces on Fifth we speak with the conceptual artist Colleen Flanigan, whose “Trash Tara: It Starts With In An Inhale” is on view at IMC Lab + Gallery at 56 West 22nd Street, 6th Floor. A participant in IMC’s Co-Create residency program, which pairs artists with technologists to create interactive and… Continue reading
Faces on Fifth: Alice Sparberg Alexiou
Alice Sparberg Alexiou has a unique link to the subject of her book The Flatiron: The New York Landmark and the Incomparable City That Arose with It: from 1946 until 1997, her family co-owned the Manhattan icon, one of the world’s most famous skyscrapers. Alexiou’s book covers the history of the building from its genesis,… Continue reading
175 – 183 Fifth Avenue, The Flatiron Building
A whole book could be written about the Flatiron Building – and one has. For the purposes of this blog it is enough to say that this masterwork of the famed Chicago architect Daniel H. Burnham was originally known as the Fuller Building after the construction company that commissioned it and took on its present… Continue reading
Faces on Fifth: Peter Joseph at St. Martin’s Press
In this installment of “Faces on Fifth,” our look at the professionals who live and work on Fifth Avenue, we speak to Peter Joseph of St. Martin’s Press, the distinguished publishing house located in the iconic Flatiron Building at 23rd Street and Fifth Avenue. Starting as the editorial assistant to celebrated editor Thomas Dunne, Joseph’s… Continue reading
182 Fifth Avenue
A vigorous design by Thomas M. Jackson from 1872, 182 Fifth Avenue is a retrofit of an existing townhouse, a brownstone owned by C.A. Pepoon, who owned similar properties at the directly adjacent 178-180 Fifth Avenue. 182 Fifth Avenue is an excellent example of a building type rare above 14th Street in Manhattan and seldom… Continue reading