2121 Fifth Avenue, PS 133 Fred R Moore
2121 Fifth Avenue, PS 133 Fred R Moore, is a pleasant school design in not-quite-Art Moderne. Its name commemorates Frederick Randolph Moore (1857-1943) the noted African American writer, newspaper owner and activist, who was a prominent city alderman in the 1920s and one of the initiators of what would later become The Urban League.
2115-2119 Fifth Avenue
2115-2119 Fifth Avenue is the surviving northern portion of the row that originally started at 2105 Fifth Avenue. It has been cut off from its southern neighbors by the insertion of 2113. At some point the middle house at 2117 gained a not-entirely unsuccessful rusticated treatment; otherwise the row is in more or less original… Continue reading
2114 Fifth Avenue is a rowhouse design disguised as a single building, in this case an impressively detailed English Renaissance structure. The ground floor has taken a beating over the years, but recently the structure seems to be in the process of being prepared for renovation.
2113 Fifth Avenue
2113 Fifth Avenue is an insertion into the historic fabric of its block even more jarring than that at 2066 Fifth and displaying less architectural finesse overall. It replaces a house from the row that commences at 2105.
Back to Fifth!
We’re pleased to announce the recommencing of this blog after a hiatus; further photographs have been completed that will now take us to the end of Fifth Avenue at 144th Street. After that, the blog will continue to be updated, as already buildings have been demolished, added, renovated and restored along its length.