Every Building on Fifth

After 600 posts we have come to the end of Fifth Avenue, but not the end of Every Building on Fifth: for we’ll be keeping an eye on the additions and subtractions to the street, its renovations, restorations and reinventions. Feel free to reach out with stories, suggestions or questions. We hope you’ve enjoyed the… Continue reading
2366 Fifth Avenue, the 369th Regiment Armory

It seems fitting that we should close our tour of Fifth Avenue with one of the street’s best buildings, the massive 369th Regiment Armory at 2366 Fifth Avenue, home to the Harlem Hellfighters, the nation’s first all-African-American military regiment and a distinguished company with service in WWI and WWII. The history of this amazing troop… Continue reading
Monument to the 369th Regiment

A simple but dignified 12-foot tall black granite monument to the all-African-American 369th Regiment stands in a pleasant garden plot opposite the troop’s historic drill hall. Installed in 2006, it replicates a monument in France to the efforts of the troop during WWI and contains the troop’s rattlesnake insignia and crest.
Pedestrian Bridge, East 142nd Street

As Manhattan Island tapers northward, Madison Avenue follows the contours of its shoreline to terminate at Fifth Avenue and 142nd Street, the only instance of two north/south avenues meeting. At the intersection, the east side of the Fifth Avenue sidewalk also terminates with a pedestrian bridge that leads across the FDR Expressway and to the… Continue reading
2350 Fifth Avenue

A former self-storage warehouse pressed into service as the Global Community Charter School, 2350 Fifth Avenue has been augmented with bright murals at the ground floor level. The rather bizarre paint scheme is otherwise a relic of the building’s warehouse days.